
Monique is a twenty-six-year-old woman living in North Hollywood. When I met her, she was working several part-time jobs and yearning to be a professional musician. I asked Monique to take Elevations® and pay special attention to the Enjoyable Skills section. I had a hunch that a close look at her skills, along with the rest of her talent package, would help her begin to see a path forward.

Monique’s history with music is notable. Her talent was recognized by her daycare provider when she was just four years old. The local piano teacher would drop by the daycare center weekly to provide lessons for the older kids. Monique, being one of the younger children at the center, would stand by the piano and watch the lessons. After the last lesson, she would sit down and play. Her daycare provider noticed she had remarkable ability for a tiny little bug of a person…..

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